Now Available
Collections Series:
-Feedsacks Volumes 1 & 2
(Volumes 1 & 2 sold as a set)
Plus New Release:
-Indonesian Textiles Vol 1 & 2
(Volumes 1&2 sold as a set)
Interactive Computer CD's
(for Windows PCs and Laptops)
New Pricing!
$15.95 per set

To order your copy click below
Shipping and Handling: $5.00
Cinnamon Studio
Santa Fe NM 87508
- Interactive "Feedsacks" Collection on CD's
- Over 600 Feedsack Images in full color
- Story of Feedsacks for the collector or textile historian
- Valuable guide accessible with a simple "click"
- Two volumes sold as a set
Now available
- New: Two Volumes of Indonesian Textiles, sold as a set
- fully interactive
- based on our travels and experiences in Indonesia
- over 100 images of Indonesian Textiles
- including Ikats, Batiks, Looms, Production methods
- High resolution digital images
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